transportation of liquid cargo and
containers over Russia
Перевозка наливных грузов
Перевозка наливных грузов Темпатранс
Перевозка наливных грузов по России Темпатранс
Перевозка грузов в цистернах
ТемпТранс. Перевозка наливных грузов
About us

About the Company

Professional team of TempTrans has experience in the market of transportation of containers and tankers with liquid cargo since 2004. We have begun our hard way as an individual, then as an sole proprietor and finally have got a status of a legal entity. During all this time we have gone hand in hand with regular customers who has entrusted us their cargo and always remained loyal to us till present.

For 8 years of effective work we have created an optimal scheme of transport organization and have set the basic principles of customer interaction and execution of suggested services.

We execute cargo transportation with 100% reliability. All our vehicles are in perfect condition, insured, equipped with a navigation system. Highly qualified staff constantly monitors for tankers condition, check the condition of the containers. Our drivers have longstanding work experience.

Competent managers and logisticians of TempTrans are always willing to work out for you an optimal route, to prepare all the required documentation within the shortest time and to give detailed consultation on any subject of their professional sphere. At any time you can get certain information about the exact location of your cargo.

We always try to save time of our customers answering in brief all arising questions without imposing additional services or redundant information.

TempTrans always creates for its customers the most comfortable conditions, every time generates individual tariff rates as the most suitable for particular customer.

Our goal is a permanent improvement of service quality. If you want to have your cargo delivered at the fastest pace, TempTrans is the best solution for you.

INN | PSRN | Insurance policy | Insurance policy 2