transportation of liquid cargo and
containers over Russia
Перевозка наливных грузов
Перевозка наливных грузов Темпатранс
Перевозка наливных грузов по России Темпатранс
Перевозка грузов в цистернах
ТемпТранс. Перевозка наливных грузов
Tank-container types

Liquid cargo

One of the basic activities of the TempTrans Company is transportation of liquid cargoes of any complexity by the facilities of our own vehicle park of haulage trucks with tankers.

Transportation of liquid cargo is one of the most important key directions in cargo transport industry. Liquid cargo includes liquid products with various properties and characteristics intended for different purposes. This trend is the most promising and wide spread over the world that allows transporting more cargo compare to transportation in a standard 40-foot container. Such transportation helps to avoid additional costs for purchase and transportation of empty containers, loading/unloading of the products and disposal of unnecessary containers after draining.

In ownership of the Company there are such types of the tankers and tank containers as isothermic one-, two-and three-section capacities with steam heating and draining under pressure. Storage of liquid products in tank containers can be long-term in the territory of the container terminals. Design of the tank container allows using this equipment in multiple, easy, and effective way. Our vehicle park meets all requirements and optimally suits for transportation of any liquid chemical and alimentary products.

Our haulage trucks are equipped with specific devices for more efficient loading, unloading and transportation of liquid cargo.

We offer:

  • safety and quality of transportation;
  • waste disposal;
  • development of long-term supply plan to optimize costs;
  • development of the most effective logistic scheme in view of peculiarities of your cargo;
  • opportunity of a single delivery.